Our Community is a world-leading social enterprise that provides advice and tools for Australia's 600,000 community groups and schools and practical linkages between the community sector and the general public, business and government.
The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) provides high-quality training and information for NFP associations and companies as well as its leading programs for the corporate sector.
Online MSW Programs
Guide to Understanding and Coping with Compassion Fatigue
RBE Internet Services
We use and recommend RBE Internet Services
Intercrest Accounting Services
We use and recommend Intercrest for their swift and accurate bookkeeping services.
Network SA no longer provides resources and training to the children's services sector but was for many years the provider excellent services and resources, some of which may still be accessed via this link .
ARMSU is a South Australian Indigenous Professional Support Unit.
DSS is a federal government website providing information about funding and policy in the areas of families, housing, community services and indigenous affairs.
Information about the benefits of being a company limited by guarantee can be found at the ACTCOSS website in their Organisations Information Kit.